Email Marketing - Finetuned Strategies - digital marketing agency for small businesses

Email Marketing

Email Marketing for Small Business

One of the most effective marketing channels ever created, is email.  Building and maintaining an engaged database of users and customers is vital for any business. 
From sending out important updates on your product or service offering, to educational newsletters which help build your business’ community, capturing email addresses and communicating with your audience is essential. 
FineTuned has experience setting various types of forms on websites to capture emails, conceptualizing and building out newsletters, and promoting products, services, and events through email.  but we don’t stop there. 
Reviewing the data from email campaigns is important so that businesses can learn about what their customers want, and increase open rates, click through rates, and drive business.

Capture emails

Create a strategy to capture emails and build your list.  Clean up your CRM data to get the right message in front of the right people. 

Newsletters and Nurtures

Stay in constant contact with your customers and your audience.  Nurture leads through the sales funnel, and get your business' updates and original content in the hands of your customers.

Analytics and Reporting

Learn which messages resonate best with your market.  Improve open rates, click through rates, and use A/B testing to improve email strategy, and drive business. 

Our Tools

Ready to Get Started with Email?

We look forward to hearing from you!

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